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Kin Rules of Order

Last Updated: November 30, 2015 


Before any question may be discussed at a meeting, it must be submitted in the form of a motion, which is moved by one member and seconded by another. It should be submitted in writing to ensure its accuracy. The motion is then debatable and may be accepted, amended, withdrawn or rejected. When a motion has been adopted, it becomes a resolution. 


No motion or amendment which is the same or substantially similar to a previous motion or amendment voted upon by the meeting may be put to the same meeting or any subsequent session during the same Kin year. 


A motion to reconsider a vote on any previous motion made in the kin year, except for motions to table and adjourn will be accepted at any time as long as the original motion has not already been actioned. 


A motion to table is not debatable, unless it includes a motion to table until a particular time, then it is debatable as to time only. If carried, it automatically comes back on floor at the appointed time. 


Withdrawal of a motion requires the consent of the mover and seconder. Amendments must first be withdrawn in reverse order, with full consent of their sponsors. If any should refuse the motion must stand. 


A meeting may resolve itself into a "COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE", during which time all members present act as a committee to consider a matter of business, and the meeting, as such, is suspended during this time. The regular RULES OF ORDER are not strictly applied, and the motions are limited to those which report to the meeting upon its resumption, or which resolve to revert from the committee of the whole and resume the meeting. 


A motion to adjourn may be moved at any time. It is not debatable except if its intent is to adjourn to a time other than the next regular meeting time, when discussion is permitted on that point only. The motion requires a simple majority, and if passed, the meeting ends. The Chair, at its discretion, may refuse such a motion if, in his/her opinion, the motion is offered for the purpose of obstructing the meeting, or will make impossible completion of the orders of business.

Advance notice of certain motions is sometimes required. Generally this applies in cases of important measures, such as revisions to house rules, new projects, or expenditures of large sums of money. The amount of advanced time is set by the House Rules. 

Amendments to a motion may be proposed at any time during the discussion. No amendment may be entertained which has the effect of nullifying the main motion. Any amendment must be relevant to the subject matter of the motion and may amend it in only by: (1) leaving out certain words, (2) adding certain words, or (3) by deleting certain words and replacing them with others. 

In order that discussion may be confined within reasonable bounds, not more than two amendments may be before the meeting at one time. However, as soon as one amendment has been accepted or rejected, another may be proposed; provided, of course, that it is different in purport from one already defeated. 

Type of Voting at Zone, District & National Meetings 
Each club is represented by one appointed accredited delegate although it may appoint up to 3 alternates should the accredited delegate not be available. Poll & ballot votes are based on the official month end club membership at least 35 days prior to the meeting. 
- Show of Hands Vote: Each registered accredited delegate is issued one voting card which is used to vote with, and the vote is binding. 
- Straw Vote: A vote to obtain the opinion of the floor, but is non-binding. 
- Poll Vote: Each registered accredited delegate is entitled to the number of votes equivalent to the club membership. The vote is binding and recorded. 
- Ballot Vote; Each registered accredited delegate is entitled to the number of votes equivalent to the club membership. The vote is binding but NOT recorded. 
- A poll or ballot vote may be called at least 10 accredited delegates at a National or District or 5 accredited delegates at a Zone Convention as long as the chair has not moved to next order of business 

Why Use Rules of order? 
• Easier to conduct business if a set of rules is agreed to 
• Focus on one subject at a time 
• Allow for full debate 
• Every member has equal rights 
• All discussion goes through the chair in order to minimize personal conflict 
• The will of the majority 

Kin Tools

Club Health Assessment 

Successful Club Manual

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