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House Rules
House Rules
1. Name
This club shall be known as the “Kinsmen Club of Brockville” (the “Club”).
2. Kinsmen Club of Brockville Logo
The official logo of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be the angled Maple Leaf, with the words Brockville Kinsmen running through it. This logo was designed by David L. Henderson.
3. General Meetings
The regular meetings of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be held on alternate Thursdays, except in the case of special meetings which may be changed on a motion by the Kinsmen Club of Brockville. The date of the first meeting of the year will be decided by the President Elect. Regular meetings shall be dispensed with during the months of July and August except in the case of an emergency.
4. Officers
The Officers of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be the President, 2 Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 or 3 Directors and a Bulletin Editor. Should no member be elected to any position on Election Night, the President shall have the right, with the approval of his executive, to appoint a member to this office. A Registrar shall be appointed to keep a record of membership and shall advise the Kinsmen Club of Brockville of all changes therein. He shall keep a record of attendance at all meetings and shall report persistent absentees to the Executive.
The minimum number of officers of a Club shall be as follows:
(1) The president;
(2) The immediate past president;
(3) The vice-president; and
(4) The secretary/treasurer.
The Club may elect other officer positions as are necessary in order to undertake the work of the Club in accordance with its general operating by-law. By virtue of their position, all the officers of a Club shall also serve on the Club Executive.
5. Past Presidents Committee
There shall be a committee known as the Past Presidents Committee, which is to be chaired by the immediate Past President and is comprised of all Past Presidents in good standing of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville. This committee shall be concerned with all matters relating to the welfare of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville and shall constitute an advisory body to the Executive of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville. This committee shall also act as the Nominating Committee and the governing body for election procedures.
6. Elections
There shall be three regular meetings of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville designed respectively for the purpose of Nominations, Campaign and Elections.
On an annual basis, the election of all officers of a Club for the next fiscal year shall take place by no later than May 15th or the date of the District convention or the Spring meeting of the District board of directors to be held in a particular year.]
Nomination Night
Nominations for club office must be moved and seconded and the nominee must accept the nomination (if present). Nominations will be made for all positions except the Past President. Nominations will remain open until the end of business on campaign night. After this time a member may be nominated by submitting a written nomination with 5 signatures of members in good standing of the Club. The Nomination sheet must be submitted to the Secretary no later than the executive meeting immediately preceding Election Night. In the event a position of office has no nominees up to and including Election Night, a simple mover and seconder is required to nominate an individual.
Campaign Night
This night will be dedicated to the nominees and each nominee may give a brief statement on what their goals are and what they might like to accomplish if elected. On Campaign Night voting, will also take place for the position of Honorary Kin.
Election Night
All elections will be conducted by secret ballot. All ballots must be initialled by the Secretary and a simple majority vote will be required. The president shall have a second ballot that has been previously cast and sealed inside an envelope. In the event of a tie this ballot will be opened to determine the winner. Elections will be conducted in this order...President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors and Bulletin Editor. Any individual who loses by way of vote has the right to drop down to any lower position and run for that office.
7. Dues
The annual dues of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be determined by the General Account Budget and be presented on Budget Night. A 2/3 majority of those present will be required to pass the Budget. Active Life members of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville will not be assessed dues by the club.
8. New Members
New members must attend at least two general meetings before their application for membership is accepted for publication in the Kinsmen Club of Brockville Bulletin. Dues for new members who join between September 1st and March 31st will be assessed at 50% or regular Kinsmen Club of Brockville dues. After April 1st dues will be waived.
9. Potential New Members
The Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall pay for the meal of potential new Kinsmen at his first meeting only. The meal for the potential member is to be paid from our Public Relations Account which is currently the Kinsmen Club of Brockville Trust Account. Once that member attends his first meeting as a full member of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville, he and his sponsor will have their meals paid for.
10. Bulletin
The Kinsmen Club of Brockville bulletin shall be known as the “Brockville Beacon”.
11. Presidents’ Attendance at Conventions
The Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall pay the full registration of the outgoing President and his wife to District Convention. The incoming President shall have his and his wife’s registration paid to District and National Conventions. In the event the incoming President cannot attend National Convention, the outgoing President may attend in his place with full registration being paid. The sitting President shall also have his and his wife’s registration paid to Zone Convention.
12. Honorary Members
An Honorary Member is a member of the community who contributes to the success of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville throughout the Kin year. They are nominated and seconded on Nomination Night, and spoken for and voted on during Campaign Night. A simple majority vote is required to be elected.
13. Honorary Life Members
The Kinsmen Club of Brockville have a category of membership called “Honorary Life Membership” A person elected to this position shall carry all the same requirements as outlined for an Honorary Member in the National By-Laws of the Association as well as:
a. The person shall have been previously elected as an Honorary Member of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville at least 7 times
b. The person shall be nominated by a committee of at least 3 members, with each member having a minimum of 7 years with Kinsmen Membership
c. The person so elected shall for a lifetime have all the privileges of an Honorary Member.
14. Club Property
No property and/or equipment belonging to the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be released or loaned to any person or group without application made to the Executive. The Executive shall approve by motion the use or rental of said property.
15. Dress Code
The minimum acceptable dress code for the Kinsmen Club of Brockville shall be “business casual”. Casual pants and collared shirt are a type of acceptable wear. Unacceptable garb includes (but not limited to) T-Shirts, denim and sweat material. Violators of the dress code may be asked to leave by the President and/or the Fines Master.
16. Finances
a. All expenditures require 2 signatures. Electronic payment and electronic transfers are not allowed.
b. The annual administration fee (transferred from Service to General) is calculated on June 30th of each Kin year and cannot exceed 15% of the service net proceeds minus interest earned on investments and income from the Terry Fox run.
c. The Hal Rogers Endowment Fund line item will be the amount the club donates to the National Hal Rogers Endowment Fund. The club may also grant a bursary to any applicant it forwards to Kin HREF who does not qualify for the national bursary. If approved, this will be shown in the budget as a separate line item.
d. There shall be a special fund known as the “Trust” account that will serve 2 purposes. A portion of the Trust Account, with a minimum balance of $25,000 shall be a reserve against possible losses which may occur in connection with fund raising projects and also as a means of meeting emergencies. The balance of the Trust Account shall be a service account of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville. No part of the reserve portion shall be used without the approval of a 2/3 majority of those present. Such motion to use the reserve shall be given at least 2 weeks’ notice of motion in writing through the bulletin or by mail to the members. This account shall be maintained in interest bearing accounts or in guaranteed redeemable securities as directed by the executive.
e. The Brockville Terry Fox project is chaired by a club member and the club will assist in providing food and beverage for the runners. The income raised and the transfer of those funds to the Terry Fox Foundation will be recorded as an equal income and expense.
17. Notice Of motion
A minimum of 14 days’ notice must be given for motions on expenditures of $1001 and up or any House Rule change. Motions that are time sensitive and do not exceed $2500 may be brought on the floor with a 2/3 majority vote of those present.
18. Quorum
A quorum in order to transact business is determined by having present greater than 50% of the active and active life members of the clubs.
19. Members in Good Standing
A member in good standing is a Kinsman who has paid their club dues or made arrangements with the Treasurer by September 30th. After this date the executive has the right to place unpaid members not in good standing. The executive shall make a motion to this effect and the member will be notified in writing by the Secretary. The member has 30 days to pay his dues or the member will be removed from the club roster and is now considered no longer a member of the Kinsmen Club of Brockville.
20. House Rule Changes
The House Rules may be amended a maximum of 2 times per year and shall be published to the members not less than once per year by way of club Roster. All House Rules changes must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of those present.
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