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Become a Member

Join our team

Get Involved

Kin Canada offers you the opportunity to:

  • Volunteer in your community and see real results

  • Participate in individual and group projects chosen by you and your club

  • Participate in leadership and event management training and personal development programs

  • Network with community and business leaders

  • Win prestigious national awards for personal and club accomplishments

  • Travel the country and meet new people

Types of Membership

Members are men and woman at least 19 years of age, who are of good character and community standing. Active members in good standing are eligible to attend meetings, hold office, participation all levels of the awards programs,
serve on committees and vote on club, zone, district and national issues.

Life Members
Life members receive the highest honour the Association bestows on a member who has given at least 10 years of service to the Association and his or her club.

Honourary Members
These are members of the community who are nominated, voted for and honoured by a club for their support of Kin Canada. These members are not entitled to any of the privileges of members.


Ready to join?

Email us a few words about yourself and be sure to include your full name, address, phone number, email address, and occupation. It is Kin Canada's policy that members have a responsibility to keep fellow Kin, volunteers, and vulnerable members of our communities safe during service and fellowship initiatives and as such new members will be asked to provide a criminal record (CRC) and vulnerable sector check (VSC) for which they will be reimbursed.

Ready to Join?

Email us a few words about yourself and be sure to include your full name, address, phone number, email address, and occupation. It is Kin Canada's policy that members have a responsibility to keep fellow Kin, volunteers, and vulnerable members of our communities safe during service and fellowship initiatives and as such new members will be asked to provide a criminal record (CRC) and vulnerable sector check (VSC) for which they will be reimbursed.

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